Thursday, April 28, 2011

Organizational Judgment

Judgments separate us from others. They hold us secure and tight in assumed positions of superiority.

What if we let the scaffolding of being judgmental drop away?

Can we really halt our knee jerk reflexes to label, categorize and evaluate people’s actions and words based our individually constructed value driven world view?

While good intentions and self-awareness are a start - they're not enough...

Stories help me quite.

Take a moment and please watch this short video...

I've posted this video on my Voice Thread site - this a free service that allows people to post comments in a vareity of ways including audio (recorded either from your machines mic or even by dialing a phone number to record your comments), video comments, text, and the ability to upload images, documents, presentations, etc...

I'd love for you to share your thoughts, ideas and reactions with me and each other. Here's the link:

These are skills that can be developed. Organizational cultures can weave these into the fabric of their cultures and reap the performance benefits. Interested in learning more about these skills?

Check out my model of story-based communication skills:
Interested in learning more - consider giving me (Terrence Gargiulo) a call - 415-948-8087.